The last two weeks have for me been the most difficult since March.
I have also been speaking to many others who have been feeling the same.
I have been so grateful for my self awareness and all the tools and techniques that I have cultivated over the years.
I am blessed that I was able to remind myself that it would pass. Full Moon/Pre Menstrual/Menstruation)
I also found myself wondering if I was crazy to set up Changing Cycles was I doing too much (you know all the questions that come in when you are feeling stressed)
Then on Thursday morning I went for a walk stumbled on an Acorn, watched and listened to a flowing River.
I was reminded that from small Acorn’s grow large Oak Trees and of the importance of growing/going with the flow.
Acorns are always symbolic for me I grew up in an estate called Acorn Hill and played in Derramore Woods as a child.
I love when nature gives us the guidance and messages we need when we open up to see/hear them.