Please Find Below a List Of The
Treatments I Offer
A holistic therapy that works through specific pressure points on the feet. Following stress, illness, injury or disease, the body is in a state of imbalance and the vital energy pathways are blocked, preventing the body from functioning effectively. Reflexologists do not diagnose, prescribe or treat specific conditions - rather, a reflexology treatment treats the whole body. By restoring the whole body's natural balance the recipient notices improved health.
What benefits can be expected?
Improved relaxation
A sense of well being
Improved circulation
Support of the immune system
Elimination of toxins from the body
Many conditions may benefit from
reflexology - these include:
Stress, anxiety, depression
Back pain
Hormonal imbalances e.g. PMS, menopausal symptoms
Digestive disorders e.g. IBS
Stress-related conditions
Sleep problems
Respiratory problems
Sports injuries
Reiki is a form of spiritual healing using “universal life energy” channeled through the practitioner to the recipient. Reiki helps to harmonize body, mind & spirit. Reiki is a powerful and gentle healer.
Many conditions may benefit from
reflexology - these include:
Promotes natural self-healing
Balances the energies in the body
Balances the organs and glands
Strengthens the immune system
Treats symptoms and causes of illness
Relieves pain
Clears toxins
Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver
Enhances personal awareness
Relaxes and reduces stress
Promotes creativity
Releases blocked and suppressed feelings
Aids meditation and positive thinking
Heals holistically
Angel Card Reading:
An Angel Card Reading will give you advice & guidance to help you achieve your dreams and help you on your holistic journey.
Whether you have specific problems or issues that you want guidance on, or whether you merely want to find your general direction in life. You’ll be inspired and enlightened and the session will equip you with the knowledge, confidence and reassurance you need to make the next moves in your life. You can have an angel reading at any time for guidance on any matter – love, finance, career, health, family or any other doubts, fears or insecurities that you may have.